Donor Program
Using Donor Sperm
Many people are only able to become parents with the assistance of donor sperm. Flinders Fertility has one of the longest-running donor services programs in South Australia and we are committed to the rights of all patients, including single parents and same-sex couples.
Who can access donor sperm?
Sperm donation is more common than you may think and benefits patients that do not have suitable sperm available such as:
- Single women.
- Women in a same-sex relationship.
- Heterosexual couples where the male partner has no viable sperm present.
Who are our donors?
Flinders Fertility offers three pathways for sperm donation:
Local clinic recruited sperm donors:
Flinders Fertility has several local sperm donors on file who recognise the gift they can offer, and who donate their sperm specifically to help achieve a pregnancy. All the donors have been assessed, counselled and screened.
All donors must consent to a donor-conceived person who has reached the age of 18 years (or younger if they are deemed sufficiently mature), accessing their identifying information should he or she request.
Client recruited (or known) sperm donors:
This is someone who is known to the individual or couple and agrees to be their sperm donor. They will be assessed and screened to satisfy the eligibility criteria for sperm donors. Please see 'become a sperm donor' for more information. The donor must agree to be open to the disclosure of their identity to any donor-conceived children and we are unable to accept a donor who is not willing to consent to this.
Overseas clinic recruited sperm donors:
Flinders Fertility has an agreement with the Seattle Sperm Bank for the supply of sperm. These donors comply with all Australian legislative requirements.
How do I get started?
1. Meet with one of our fertility doctors
The first step is to register for our sperm donor programme by making an initial appointment in our clinic with one of our fertility doctors. You will require a referral from your GP or specialist. At this appointment, the option of using a sperm donor will be discussed as well as your medical history. You will then have a review appointment with your doctor to discuss the results of any tests and to decide on a treatment plan.
If you wish to proceed, a donor registration fee will be payable (click here to find out more). The donor registration fee covers the extensive additional management involved with donor workup and treatment cycles overseen by our multidisciplinary donor team. It includes our commitment to ensure there is appropriate screening and support for both the donor and recipient, the ongoing future commitment to the donor, recipient and offspring including access to lifelong counselling and registration on the proposed central donor register.
Please note that Medicare will only provide a rebate for fertility treatment if there is a medical problem.
2. Meet with our counsellor and select a clinic donor
You will then meet with the Flinders Fertility counsellor on at least two occasions. The decision to have a child using donation is complex, and there are many factors to be considered.
Our counsellor has extensive experience in helping patients and donors navigate their way through the implications for you and for your child. Matters relating to the social and legal aspects of donor-conceived families, confidentiality and the possible implications now and in the future will be discussed. Partners (if any) are asked to attend all of these sessions.
After the first counselling appointment, if you are taking the clinic-recruited donor pathway, you will be given the option to select a donor. You will be offered profiles of the donors available at the time to choose from. The counselling service is available to you as an ongoing service, free of charge.
3. Using a known donor
If you have a person who has offered to be a known donor he would also require a referral from his GP to make his own appointment with the same Flinders Fertility doctor as yourself to start the screening and assessment. Following this appointment, the donor is required to meet with our counsellor on at least two occasions to discuss the implications of sperm donation. Donors who have a partner will be asked to attend at least one of these meetings with their partner.
You and your donor should consider reproductive carrier screening to reduce the risk of passing on genetic conditions to your child,
A joint counselling session is then held between the recipient(s) and the donor (and partner if relevant) to ensure that each party is aware of the others’ positions/intentions on the relevant issues. Donations can then be started, and a three-month quarantine period will apply. This is a well-considered and timely process.
What information is provided about clinic-recruited sperm donors?
Anonymous donor profiles are provided to you with information about the donor’s physical characteristics, social and medical history. Where possible, similar information is also recorded about the donor’s parents. Donors are also asked to give a personal statement to recipients about their reasons for donating as well as information about themselves.
Please note there is a high demand for donor services currently and it may take longer than usual to reply to any donor-related questions you have. Please send your enquiry to and we will respond to you as soon as we can.

Want to find out more?
To find out more please contact our donor coordinator on (08) 8155 5333 or via email at Alternatively, you can arrange a chat with our patient care team or book an appointment with one of our fertility doctors. For information about treatment costs, you may wish to speak to our Finance team by calling (08) 8155 5333.