IVF Success Rates
We are very proud to say our pregnancy rates are among the best in Australia, sitting well above national averages as shown in the independently audited data below.
We believe it is important that people seeking fertility services can make informed decisions about their treatment and their provider of choice. For this reason, we publish the most recent independently verified data on our IVF success rates here on our website.
Many factors such as age and lifestyle can influence the chance of success, which is why a Flinders Fertility specialist will provide every patient with an honest and realistic indication of the likelihood of conceiving per treatment cycle depending upon individual circumstances and the specific treatment recommended.
It is important to note that unfortunately, not every treatment cycle will result in an egg collection, embryo transfer, or having embryos to freeze, which is why treatment costs should be a major consideration before commencing fertility treatment.

Our data includes all patients irrespective of the number of treatment cycles, BMI, lifestyle, treatment regime, or blastocyst grades. National rate data is from the National Perinatal Epidemiology and Statistics Unit (NPESU).
Flinders Fertility uses the ANZARD definition of clinical pregnancy, which is a pregnancy in which at least one of the following criteria is met: known to be ongoing at 20 weeks; evidence by ultrasound of an intrauterine sac (with or without a fetal heart); examination of products of conception reveals chorionic villi; an ectopic pregnancy has been diagnosed by laparoscope or by ultrasound.