SA's IVF Leader Since 1982

Patient Flyers

We've pulled together some of our most requested resources for your patients.

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Flinders Fertility Specialists and Doctors

Click here to download more information about Flinders Fertility Clinicians.

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Endo affects 1 in 7 women and girls as well as transgender and non-binary people. Download our flyer on medications and treatments.

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Egg Freezing

Download our guide to find the best age to freeze eggs and learn more about the process.

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Gender-Diverse Fertility

Download our guide on fertility preservation and services for gender-diverse patients.

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Boost Your Natural Fertility

Learn how to improve the odds of conceiving naturally with our guide to fertility. Download our guide for advice on nutrition, finding the fertile window, and avoiding toxic chemicals.

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Male Infertility

While fertility is often thought of as a female issue, in fact, in almost half of infertile couples there is a male reproductive problem. Download our guide on the causes of male infertility and how to improve sperm quality.

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Choosing Solo Parenthood

There is a growing trend in the number of women embarking on solo parenting, in fact, more than half of our donor cycles are for single women. If you are thinking about going solo (or know someone who is) you can download our guide here.

Fertility news

For more information on fertility and how to prepare for pregnancy, check out our articles below