Dr Jay McGavigan
Fertility Specialist
Dr Jay McGavigan is a Specialist Obstetrician and Gynaecologist and an Obstetric and Gynaecological Sonologist. After graduating from Monash University in 1995, she undertook further training in the UK and Australia, obtaining specialist qualifications in O&G and ultrasonography and completing a Doctorate in research.
She returned to Australia for a post at Flinders Medical Centre in 2007. She was a Senior O&G Consultant and Lead Clinician for the Materno-Fetal Medicine Service, leaving in 2024 to join Flinders Fertility. Dr McGavigan also works in both public and private as an Obstetric and Gynaecological Sonologist providing ultrasonography reporting and procedures.
Dr McGavigan’s skills in obstetrics, ultrasonography and procedures are complemented by her experience in the investigation of unexplained infertility and the management, counselling and investigation of pregnancy loss.
Your first appointment with Dr McGavigan will be bulk billed if you have a Medicare card.