Frequently asked questions
Undergoing fertility treatment can be overwhelming at times, and there is often a lot of information to take in.
Below is a list of frequently asked questions, but if you can’t find what you are looking for, please contact us on (08) 8155 5333.
Yes, the nurses work on Saturdays between 8.45am and 1pm and are able to take phone calls during that time.
Please feel free to call Saturday morning before 1pm if you get your period Friday evening or Saturday morning. Otherwise, if you get your period Saturday afternoon or Sunday please call on Monday morning and we will be able to commence your cycle then. Please do not commence any medications until you have spoken to a nurse.
Most of the time, spotting is not referred to as ‘day one’ of your period. Usually we define ‘day one’ as the first day of the heaviest flow. If heavy bleeding commences after midday, then day one is the following day. However if you are unsure, please do not hesitate to call the nurses and discuss this with them.
Yes, the flu shot is quite safe to take when you are having treatment or if you are pregnant.
For most people Paracetamol is safe to take while you are having treatment or are pregnant. This should not be taken more often than every four hours and should not exceed eight tablets in 24 hours. It is also safe and recommended to take folic acid and iodine or a pregnancy multivitamin that contains both of these. All other medications should be discussed with your fertility doctor or the fertility nurses.
In addition to this, the Women’s and Children’s Hospital (WCH) offers an information line regarding the safe use of medications in pregnancy and has proven to be a valuable resource. They can be contacted Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm, on (08) 8161 7222. Pharmacies can also be a reliable source of information regarding the safe use of medications in pregnancy. Many pharmacies are open for extended hours over the weekend and evenings.
Your medication is a vital part of your treatment cycle and forgetting a dose may compromise your treatment. It is important to have a way of remembering your medication such as setting the alarm in your phone at a set time every night.
If you do forget to administer a dose of medication, please call the nurses in the morning and we can discuss this with your fertility doctor.
Yes, this is a very important part of the process in your treatment cycle and has been carefully planned to allow your eggs to be collected at the correct time. Always read through the instructions the nurses have given you and be prepared for the time you are required to give your medication. As with your daily medications, have some way of reminding yourself to administer the medication at the correct time such as the alarm in your phone.
Forgetting your medication or administering it at the wrong time can possibly compromise your treatment and we may need to cancel your cycle. If you do forget to administer a dose of medication, please call the nurses in the morning and we can discuss this with your fertility doctor.
No, these tests do not require you to fast from food or fluids.
No, we would prefer you to empty your bladder when you arrive for the scan. With vaginal scans (i.e. internal scans) it is easier to view your ovaries when you have an empty bladder.
We would prefer at least a partially full bladder for your embryo transfer. We usually suggest you empty your bladder an hour before your embryo transfer and then drink about 500mls of water. We would then prefer you do not go to the toilet until after your transfer.
It is safe to resume sexual intercourse when you feel comfortable to do so unless otherwise indicated by your fertility doctor or fertility nurse.
It is recommended to continue a light exercise programme but you should avoid any moderate or strenuous exercise. If unsure please don’t hesitate to speak to one of the fertility nurses.
You will generally see the same doctor throughout your treatment however egg and embryos are ready when they're ready and if your doctor isn't available, we'll schedule your procedure with another doctor. (Any clinic that can guarantee that the same doctor will do everything for you should be treated with caution as they are working at a time that suits them, and not your eggs or embryos.)
If it is your preference to have a female doctor perform your procedures please discuss this with your fertility doctor or one of the fertility nurses. We will do our best to respect your wishes but it may not be possible and you may have a male doctor for some or all of your procedures. During all of your procedures, even if being performed by a male doctor, there will always be a female with you in the room.
Yes, many of our patients are seen by acupuncturists and while we do not know for sure if this improves the outcome of your treatment, it is not invasive and the evidence suggests it does no harm.
Although there is no evidence-based research on this, many women have this treatment done with no apparent negative effect.
If you have a positive pregnancy test following your treatment cycle, a pregnancy scan can be organised at 7-8 weeks gestation. Following this scan it is best to organise an appointment with your General Practitioner (GP) and he/she will plan your obstetric care. Any concerns following your pregnancy scan are best discussed with your GP.

Want to find out more?
If you have any questions about costs, you can find our most frequently asked questions on our fees page.
Fertility news
For more information on fertility and how to prepare for pregnancy, check out our articles below